START  Before you go, you should understand what India is like very well so that you don't be disappointed.  Start with our All About India post.

WHO IS GANDHI?  - His life, his death, the shocking facts about him



Gandhi is a worldwide icon of freedom and human rights, appreciated by the British for the independence of India with the peaceful methods he developed.  Unfortunately, the record of this leader, whom TIME has chosen as the Person of the Year, is not clean at all on issues such as racism and abuse of women.  You will understand;  those who love their words enough to tattoo their bodies, and those who hate enough to form a political party.



India is home to many religions, the most common of which is 80% of its population, and you should definitely not visit India without knowing the basic principles of Hinduism and Hinduism.  In a nutshell, what you need to know about Hinduism.


 What is India like?  I ask for your understanding, both against me as a writer and against India.  Writing this article is as hard as walking on a rope, and falling is inevitable.  Our intention is neither to reproach nor to glorify, but to send you there ready.


The Golden Triangle is the most popular route for Indian travelers.  (For those who have 1 week or more)


The city of Agra is one of the most popular stops in India trips.  The biggest reason for this is, of course, the Taj Mahal, one of the 7 wonders of the world, is here.


You get up and paint the whole city in pink, known as the color of hospitality in India, in case the king and queen of England are coming to visit.  With its pink architecture, palaces and kites covering the sky at sunset, it is one of the few places we like the most in India.



Delhi is India's most modern and stylish city in all aspects.  It is even one step ahead of Mumbai, which shines with Bollywood.  Let's look at the little-known modern face of India.



While labeling those who say “We loved Goa the most in India” we found ourselves wrapped up with Palolem and the lamb, while the best place in India would be unfair to the wonderful things we saw in Rajastan, but it may be the place where one feels best.  This is definitely the peak where you should end your holiday.



You are welcome to Mumbai, where 40,000 taxis handle every day, 29,000 people per square kilometer but only 17 public toilets per 1 million people, and about 70,000 Bollywood movies have been shot so far!  Don't worry, we are with you.


Udaipur is known as the "Venice of India" and is integrated with the river.  It is best known for the palace palace "River Palace", which was made famous by James Bond in the movie Octopussy.  You can also buy the best examples of miniature art in the world here.


An English lord said, "People in the world are divided into two: those who see the Taj Mahal and those who do not."  It is really such a beautiful, poetic building that makes the person feel so privileged.  One of the new 7 wonders of the world, but less known is that it was made by a Turkish Indian Emperor for his great love wife.


Varanasi is the place that will shake you the most, change you the most in India.  You've never had an experience like this before, and probably nowhere has tested you this much psychologically.  The place where you will have the most difficulty but will be affected the most.


We haven't seen Chefchaouen, the same Moroccan blue city yet, but Jodhpur stole an appetizing finger in our mouth.  It is appropriate to add the place to the classical Golden Triangle route, we say don't come without seeing it.

INDIA TRAVEL GUIDE, Is India Right For You?


We stayed for 3 weeks but it was not enough.  Out of more than 70 countries, India is one of the most diverse places we have ever seen.  It is not for everyone because it is busy, but it is one of the most interesting places to go if you are interested in culture tourism, photography and human history. Naturally, it was a post full of warnings, as our aim is to make sure that they are best prepared for their destination in India.  Do not let this make you think that we do not like India.  No matter how much we describe here.  To see it with your own eyes, you must watch our India videos on our YouTube channel and read our All About India article, the link of which you will find below!  Only then can you really make the right decision.

India is an extremely chaotic, dystopian country that sometimes feels like an episode of Black Mirror.  From time to time you will feel the civilization run out.  In fact, this is the experience you have to live, and in this respect, it is different from everywhere we see and all the experiences we have experienced.  If India is your reality, maybe you can go crazy :) but as visitors, you have the privilege to enjoy your presence in chaos and return to your own comfortable reality.  While having to ride on a rollercoaster for transportation every day is something that can make you uneasy, it is a bit interesting as it is to experience that tension every forty years at his own will.

 India will surprise, enchant, beat and love you in places.  Even feeling this feeling potpourri at the same time is a very different experience.

Last but not least;  We recommend India to more experienced travelers.  We say India should not be one of the first 10 countries you see.  You will find it difficult to both cope and appreciate.  Finally, an important distinction is that India is more of a cultural travel destination than a destination.  If you intend to have a tropical pleasure holiday in Asia, don't be India, look Thailand and Indonesia.

Is It Cheap To Travel In India

The hunger limit in India starts at $ 0.5 per day.  From here, you should be able to do a lot for $ 10 a day, but as a tourist, this is not the case.  There are two reasons for this:

1) Different prices are applied to locals and tourists in museums and archaeological sites.  The entrance to Taj Mahal alone costs around 16 USD.

2) Another issue is the potential of the standards that Indians are accustomed to exhausting you from food to accommodation.  So if you eat the street food that Indians eat and stay in the hostels where they stay, the costs are very low, but we do not recommend it.  Low-budget hostels, hostels and restaurants are likely to upset you.  Our recommendation is to open a little pouch and stay in places that will not spoil your taste.  The view of the bathrooms - toilets, the cleaning of the rooms may not be much interior angle in cheap places.  Choose a good hotel, especially in Varanasi.  It is a very tiring place both psychologically and physically, when one returns home at night, he needs a place that will be good for him.

How Much Money to Take to India & Costs

The most expensive places are Delhi and Mumbai, both seriously expensive.  The quantities you will need here and the ones in Goa or Kerela will not be the same.  Therefore, your budget will change according to your schedule.

  Water 0.3 dollars

  - Transfer from Mumbai to Goa 80 USD

  - A meal for 2 people in an average place is 16 USD

  - A meal for 2 people in a luxury place is 45-50 dollars

What does $ 50 a day buy?

  - A double room in hostel dormitory or hostel style locations, an inexpensive meal, and transport by public transport

What does $ 60 - $ 140 a day buy?

  - Average hotel room, average restaurant meal, museum and historical site entrances, transportation by taxi and tuk tuk.

When to go to India

For the route we suggested above, January and the beginning of February are the best times in terms of both ideal climatic conditions and less epidemics and pests.  In the north, the weather is around 25 degrees during the day, in Goa the weather is in the 30s, and the water temperature is around 27.  Make sure you do not come across the Republic holiday in February.

We talked about the best time to go to India above, but the season is much wider than that.

  - Goa goes from the end of November to the beginning of February.

  - For Rajasthan, from October to March.  The weather from April to June is unbearable.  We're talking about 50 degrees.  It is during the monsoon season from July to August.

You have to look separately for other regions because, as we mentioned at the beginning, India is a huge country and it is impossible to generalize because of different climate conditions in different regions.

Our Recommended India Route

- India's most popular tourist route is the Golden Triangle.  The vast majority of those who have nearly 1 week do this route.  It includes Delhi, Agra and Jaipur.

- But what do we think, do, spend the last 2 days of your trip in Palolem, a settlement in Goa, to relax and relax.  Otherwise, you will return home exhausted and exhausted.  Plan your time back accordingly.

- You don't need to see all over Goa.  Although different towns have different themes such as nightlife / calmness, the beach on the beach repeats itself after a while.  The most beautiful place is Palolem.

- If you don't have time to make the Golden Triangle and go on to Palolem, we think you can skip Delhi.

  - We think other parts of India are so interesting that you can sacrifice Delhi and Mumbai for other places in general.

- Agra, Jodpur, Jaipur and Varanasi are must-see places.  Rajasthan is definitely the most colorful place in the country.  A bit of desert culture, seeing magnificent castles and structures are the most recommended activities in India.

- According to this plan fly to Delhi, before visiting the north, then a plane to come to Goa from Goa to Mumbai and then return to Turkey becoming the most sense.

- Auroville and Kerela are other stops you can add if you have enough time, but each one requires a separate plane.

Is It Safe For Women

Indians are generally very mild-tempered people, we have never faced a situation where we felt uneasy at all.  However, there were no women left on the street after 8 o'clock in the places we went, except Goa.  This is not a problem, because after that time, there is nothing attractive that will require you to be outside.  But a situation that will change a lot depending on where you go is a security issue.  Some places are very, very distressed.  Be sure to search and do not go to unnecessary places.  Unfortunately, there can be rape, kidnapping, etc. incidents that happen to tourists in India.  Stay safe.

Still, India is not an easy place for women to travel alone.  Without notice, we came across cases of secret manual harassment, which seemed to be accidentally hit. Also, whether you are a man or a woman, everyone wants to take a photo because you are unfamiliar with you.  You can imagine that when you are a woman, there are many men who want to take a photo with you.  Most of them are benevolent and confidential, but there are also those who find a face and hug like an octopus.

Finally, some coastal towns such as Arambol have been dubbed "the place where white women are easily shot down".  There are also gencos who go to drop tourists in Marmaris in Antalya.

Long story short, it is a tiring place to travel as a woman alone.  It is easy to travel as a couple, but you may still encounter uncomfortable glances and movements.

Go to India with a Child

We've seen a lot of families with babies, children in Goa, but frankly we hardly ever seen in the rest of the country.  Goa is one of the cleanest and most organized places in the country and we would take it very easily if we had a child.

Traveling to other parts of the country with a child can be challenging, but of course it also depends on the age of the child and how comfortable you are.  If you feel uncomfortable when your child takes things to their mouth, the hygiene problems in India can strain you.  On the other hand, Nasuh Mahruki stayed with his wife and child in the bosom of India for a few weeks and happily returned.

Does Everyone Really Speak English

No, not everyone talks, but it's pretty common.  Especially in big cities.

More than 780 languages ​​are spoken in India, 22 of which are official languages.  Second place in the world with the most linguistic diversity after Papua New Guinea.  With the arrival of the British, English became the common language in this huge country.  This is the reason why newspapers and TV broadcasts are in English today (of course there are local publications).  Everyone speaks their local language until primary school, English education starts in the 5th grade in public schools.

One of our notes on communication is also on body language because they say yes in a way you've never seen before.  If you ask the Indians something and they shake their heads like a metronome, then yes.  The faster they swing, the more eager they are.

They also nod yes to the things they do not understand (like we are the ones who give directions without knowing), keep your eyes open.

Are we going to have a vegetarian diet in India?

There is a perception that all Indians are vegetarians.  Yes, Hinduism advocates a vegetarian lifestyle, but neither the whole country is Hindu, nor most all Hindus are vegetarian.  While some regions are very strict vegetarians, some regions eat quite a lot of chicken and lamb, but in Hinduism, beef consumption is not very common because the cow is sacred.  In places such as Kerala or Goa where Christians are concentrated and tourism is common, beef is available on the menus.  Generally, chicken and fish are easy to find, but difficult in cities such as Varanasi, which Hinduism consider sacred.

When the percentage is hit, 30% of the country is vegetarian, but depending on where you go, 100% of the country does not eat meat.  Especially those of the Jainism belief follow a very strict vegetarian diet.  Since life is sacred, they do not kill any living creatures, and they do not eat vegetables such as root vegetables, lettuce, cabbage, which are home to living things and microorganisms.


In India, the hometown of yoga, you can find many yoga schools from Varanasi to Goa.  The most popular place to go to yoga retreat is Rishikesh, but if you want to spend a bit more in holiday mood, Goa is the right address.  Interestingly, yoga teachers in most places are foreigners.

If you want to take a yoga holiday, you have two options;  either to participate in yoga retreats that offer all-inclusive packages or to attend only classes from outside. Yoga retreat includes accommodation, 3 meals vegetarian meal, morning and evening yoga, meditation, and the packages vary between 80 and 140 Euros per person per day, depending on the location.

We are not convinced that it makes perfect sense to participate in yoga retreats because if we think through Goa;

  - Although it varies from region to region, the price of one course yoga is 400 Rupees, ie 5 Euros.  But if you buy a 10-pack, it goes down to 3.7 Euros.

  - You pay 300 Rupees for breakfast in a sweet cafe, 700 Rupees for 2 good vegetarian meals, and 13 Euro.

  - The beach hut by the sea is 2500-3000 Rupees (30-40 Euros) per night, while the back rows are up to 1000 Rupees (13 Euros).

  - In other words, it is not very advantageous in terms of price.  You also attach all your meals to it.  However, you will want to eat seafood there, or sit in restaurants by the sand.

Food Health Warnings

Most of the people who go to India are disturbed by the food.  The most common is stomach upset or poisoning, but it can lead to much more serious illness.  The good news is that these are things that can be avoided by following simple rules.  We came back without any trouble.

- The most critical issue is water.  Mains water in India is very dirty.  Make sure to read our All About India article to understand the seriousness of the issue.  We say don't drink tap water, even brush your teeth with drinking water.  There are those who say don't open your mouth even in the shower.

  Likewise, you should avoid food that has touched city water.  In particular, don't eat salads and washed fruits (you can peel them).

  - Do not consume ice cream and dairy products.  Electricity comes and goes in the country.  When it is hot in the weather, the food melts and spoils in the meantime and freezes again when the electricity comes.  So even if it is a packaged product such as Algida, it is better not to risk it.

  - Spicy foods can touch some people's stomachs.  In other words, even if there is no problem in eating, stomachs that are not used to Indian spices can go bad.  Bring stomach medication, constipation and diarrhea medication.

  - Peeled fruits deteriorate quickly in heat.  Think twice while drinking a smoothie or something.

  Fish and chicken deteriorate very quickly in Indian heat.  Red meat is not easy to find anyway.

  - Do not eat at street vendors, even if they seem tempting.  Of course, not all of them are dirty, you will even see prompts to eat on some websites, but how many days you have in India anyway, is it worth the risk of sleeping for 5 days?

  - Even at Mc Donald's you can get sick from food.  In such places, gas drinks are made in the machine, you can not be sure of the water.

  - Avoid cold coffees at Starbucks, too.

  - Do not consume iced drinks.  There is a high probability that the ice is made from city water.

  - Don't say nothing happens once.

  - Eat in good shape, in places with a lot of tourists.  We have already written the restaurants we find city by city in our guides.

  Airport Warnings

We understood in India what security is at the airport.  It is a private security company, not police molis, heavily armed soldiers pull the airport and turn it around.

First of all, we cannot underline enough that India has a horrible traffic.  If it normally takes 1 hour to get to the airport, put 1,5.

  - Uber is available in all major cities.  Smaller cities have the Indian version Ola, but you must have a local line.  They have the best transfer prices.

  - Security is so grueling and takes so long that if you don't take 2 hours at the airport, you may miss your plane.  You do not know, it comes to this and this, to the long weekend, there will be extra intensity, we think be at the airport 2.5 hours before.

  - You cannot enter the airport without presenting your passport and ticket.  Whatever you do, find your ticket.  It is OK to show the phone ticket online.

  - If you are flying on domestic routes, it is not enough to provide your passport for check-in.  They will definitely see the ticket.  They don't look at the name and do puzzles in the system.

  - They pass your luggage through the x-ray at the entrance of the airport and fasten their zippers.  You usually have 15 chances for domestic flights.  If you weigh more than 15 kilos when you weigh, open the zippers to reduce the items, you have to go through that long security check again.  In a country of 1.3 billion, of course the queues are long.

  - If you are going to fly with a connecting flight on domestic routes, choose the flights with at least 2 hours between them.  Otherwise, you may not be able to catch up.

  - If you are going to go to international lines after domestic lines, the situation is even worse.  Let's explain it like this;  We were going to return from Goa to Mumbai and from there to Istanbul.  After landing in Mumbai, it took us exactly 4 hours to change terminals within the same airport, break through the security and arrive at the door of our Istanbul flight !!

Finally, there are security checks in places you are not used to.  Do not take it slow thinking that the security process is over.  Don't be sure before you can see the door.

Other Warnings and Suggestions

- Do not buy stones that are promised to be valuable.

- They can give the one painted in plastic as miniature on the bones.


  - If you are going to use the train, we recommend that you only go in the first class.

  - If you go to bed, it will be more hygienic to bring a duvet cover and use it as a sleeping bag.

  - 1st class tickets are sold early, do not leave it to the last minute.  You can buy tickets online.

Problems with Reservations

- Don't be too sure about your deals with Indians.  For example, "When I come 2 days later, this room is exactly what I want to stay. Is it available?"  You can also reply as of course, and ask you to leave a deposit.  You will come in 2 days with the peace of mind that you give your money and know that you have done your job.  They say "We gave you another room".  You know we shook hands?  So what did I give the cap then?  You stay in the room where you do not want to be pasha pasa as they also get your deposit.  True story ...

Once we got a room from Booking, when we arrived at the hotel at 12 o'clock in the night, the man said that I have no empty room.  Brother then why don't you phone or email?  You have all the information.  Come and find a place at that hour, you have already come a ton of road.

In summary, you are a tourist, one-time customer and not that important.  So make all your accommodation arrangements on  Because they are all afraid of receiving bad reviews on and complaining to Booking.  What happened after all?  We complained to Booking, and Booking said that if this grievance caused you to spend more money by staying elsewhere, send us the invoice and we will pay the difference.  They make the difference to the landlord.

- You can find the places we stay and are satisfied with in our city guides, I think never be adventurous, stay here.

Let yourself go

 - If you try to struggle with the difficulties you will face (traffic, crowd, dirt, operational problems, etc.), it will come from your nose.  Stop fighting, experience chaos here, remember what a different experience it is in your life, and treat these setbacks as part of your adventure.

Hot Monkeys

- Monkeys are everywhere in Rajasthan.  Although they are very sympathetic, they run the risk of rabies so don't get close.  In case of bites, definitely get rabies vaccine immediately.  Very curious animals may try to buy your glasses, phone and shiny items such as earrings and necklaces.  Keep food items in your bag too.


- Let's remind Uber and Ola apps again.

  - In urban transportation, rickshaw, car rickshaw, taxi, bus and metro are used.  There is always traffic.

  -Riksha is divided into bicycles and motorized.  The ones with bicycles are for 2 people, the motor ones are yellow-green and 3 people.

  - There is a taximeter, but they can't always open it.  Be sure to bargain, prices definitely vary.

  There are buses but they are very full, they are a click less safe than other transportation options.  Do not be your first choice.

  - There is a metro network in some cities, you can find metro stops especially at touristic points.


- Best Vodafone shooting in India.  If you are going to buy a local line, do not buy chips sold at the airport, etc.  If you are using Vodafone Turkey also you can use your package by paying a daily $ 20 difference.

- You can find many internet cafes in India.  Wi-Fi / 3G / 4G are all available.  In most places, the use of Wi-Fi is free, but there are also those who want a fee.  Internet can be slow in some hours and situations.

  - Try not to use other platforms where you need to enter important information such as bank or credit card information as much as possible.  It is recommended to change the password if you use it, but we do not know how necessary.

  - If you need internet frequently and Wi-Fi is not enough, you can get a temporary card with internet package from local telecommunication services there.  Another option might be to use your package in Turkey.

Things to Take on the Way to India

- Dress: We recommend women to dress conservatively.  Avoid short shorts and sleeveless clothing.  Loose-fitting outfits are both warm and comfortable for peace.  We recommend closed shoes as your feet are very dirty with slippers.  Also, in the winter months (December, January, February, March) the weather in Rajasthan is between 20-26 degrees during the day and can drop to 0 degrees at night.  Make sure you have a coat, something thick, etc.  Also, even the most luxurious hotels do not have a heating system.  Have slippers for the shower and beach.

- Medicines: Make sure you have a broad spectrum antibiotic, stomach, constipation, diarrhea medication, probiotics, antipyretic drugs with you.  We also carry zinc and vitamin C to strengthen our immune system.


 - Wet wipes & antiseptic gel (available in pharmacies)

  - In India, the sockets are different.  Most hotels have sockets installed compared to European tourists, but still do not come without an adapter.

 - Fly spray.  If you are not going in winter, long-sleeved but cool clothes that will be darker than the fly.

  - Suntan cream.  Summer winter sun is burning.

  Earplugs and an eye patch if you are traveling on the train.

  - Pads can be found in every city, but tampons are very difficult.

  What to Buy from India

 - Pashmina

  - Miniature

  - Masala tea

  - Spices: Especially cumin, cinnamon, nutmeg are very aromatic.  Lovers can buy curry.

  - Yellow, textile products

  - Various wooden and metal decorative objects

  India's markets are also very famous.  Chandni Chowk in Delhi, Khar, Baoli (Spice Market), Khan Market, Dilli Haat, Lajpat Nagar and Cor Market in Mumbay, Bhulesvar are some of the most famous markets in the country.  Common features of the markets are that they are overcrowded and that products can be bought much cheaper through bargaining.

Should I Get Vaccinated While Going to India

A situation that will change according to your destination and season.  Check out the Travel Health website first and decide accordingly.  It causes problems in some browsers.  Firefox opens without any problems.

Do Turkish Citizens Need a Visa to Go to India?

Yes, you need a visa.  Green passport holders and burgundy passport holders should also get a visa, but there is no preparation process such as a Schengen Visa, or your documents are missing, or you don't risk being rejected.  First you make a Visa Application for India on the internet.  You can start preparing your documents after making your appointment here:

Required Documents for India Visa

- A passport with a maximum validity of 6 months

  - Print out of online India Visa application form

  - 2 biometric photos, but the dimensions should be 50x50 mm, not like standard biometric photos.

  - Invitation form from India (if applicable)

  - Your petition written in English

  - Hotel and flight reservations are essential

  - Visa fee in cash